Snr Registration Assistant – 38612
المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشئون اللاجئين تعلن عن فرصة عمل جديدة فى مقرها فى القاهرة.
Job Title:
Senior Registration Assistant
- Assist in the implementation of registration strategies and methodologies for POC.
- Conduct registration interviews when required in accordance with registration standards and guidance.
- Provide counselling to, and responds to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’s registration procedures and their rights and entitlements.
- Maintain accurate and up-to date records and data related to all individual registration cases.
- Identify persons with specific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required.
- Collaborate with protection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming, including provision of identity and entitlement documentation.
- Draft correspondence and reports relating to registration activities in the Operation, when required
- Provide statistics and draft reports related to registration data, as requested.
- Act as interpreter and translator when needed.
- Refer cases to other units within the office and to implementing partners as necessary.
- Draft and submit reports and statistics related to registration.
- Perform other related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications
Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level
G5 – 2 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 1-year relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher
Field(s) of Education
Not applicable
Certificates and/or Licenses
Social Science Statistics Mathematics Information Technology
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)
Relevant Job Experience
Job Application:
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