Marketing Account Executive – Internship
تعلن شركة للتواصل و الإعلان عن فرصة للالتحاق بالتدريب الصيفي بها فى قسم التسويق.
إذا كنت من المهتمين بالتسويق فاستغل هذه الأجازة الصيفية فى الانضمام إلى ال Internships المختلفة.
Internship role:
The Account Management Intern will be responsible for assisting the Accounts team across multiple client accounts to achieve successful implementation of campaigns – delivering on brief, on budget and on time.
– Support the Accounts team with delivering exceptional client work.
– Support monitoring clients’ social channels.
– Assist with scheduling meetings, creating agendas and providing status recaps.
– Assist with social and content strategy for brand social channels.
– Actively stay ahead of trends and adapt to new and changing social platforms and products.
– Attend and contribute to brainstorming/ideation sessions.
– Additional relevant responsibilities as requested
Job Application:
لكتابة ال CV و الاستعداد للمقابلة الشخصية, تواصل معنا على: